2022 Business Report

Key Figures

1pmMy team always sits down to have lunch together, we discuss non-work news, or perhaps the latest technological developments, and how we can make the best of them in our IT solutions. Today’s topic is cyber security risks. We make a point to remain at the cutting edge of the financial and technological trends to gain a much broader view of emerging possibilities. Before joining BNP Paribas Cardif, we all worked for several years across Asia with a focus on digital solution delivery for customers and partners, as well as back-office system automation. We like to collaborate in the office as often as possible, since we experience greater satisfaction and increased productivity when we work effectively together.

3.30pmIn the afternoon, our partner Golden Insurance Brokers calls to share their recent experience of working with the ONESystem platform. They have quite good news! “ONESystem has a powerful, user-friendly, secure, and all-in-one policy distribution platform”, says Figaro Yang, the CIO of Golden Insurance Brokers. “It was clearly designed by experts who know and care a lot about the people who use the platform.” The team is always delighted to receive feedback such as this, since it confirms that their hard work is having a positive impact.

6.30pmBefore leaving the office, I have a quick meeting with our local sales team to prepare for a meeting next week to offer ONESystem to a new partner. I can't wait to tell my team about it. Now my work day is over. This is a time to unwind, although my mind often wanders to new ways of using technology to fulfil our mission to make insurance more accessible. More than just a company vision, it inspires me to think from the customers’ perspective and understand their pain points. In fact, that’s the whole ethos behind ONESystem and the reason why I decided to join BNP Paribas Cardif!

We created ONESystem, a unified and flexible state-of-the-art platform that enhances both the technical and business capabilities of our teams and partners.