2022 Business Report

Key Figures

People today are increasingly motivated by the impact of the consumption choices they make, notably to help mitigate global warming. They expect meaningful actions from businesses able to make a difference in their daily lives. Our partners are also looking for a more responsible and more inclusive way of distributing insurance. To respond to these evolving expectations and pursue our mission, we work to amplify our positive impact on society and the environment, as an insurer, a partner and as an investor. Since 2008, we have integrated ESG criteria into our investment choices and we aim to combine financial performance with positive impact. We view sustainability as an engine for business growth that will help our partners reach more customers and cascade the benefits of responsible insurance for society as a whole.

We aim to make a positive contribution to society through impact-driven investments, client value, accessibility and insurability

In 2022, 2.7 billion euros were dedicated to positive impact investments

We commit to allocating an average of 1 billion euros per year to POSITIVE IMPACT INVESTMENTS by 2025