2022 Business Report

What exactly is responsible saving?

03. Sustainability

What exactly is responsible saving?

What is exactly responsible saving ?

Making sure that savings contribute to a better world

Clients entrust their savings to BNP Paribas Cardif through life insurance investments. These savings can contribute to an environmental or a social objective.

The market is evolving quickly today, with strong impetus from regulators and civil society. Global ESG-focused institutional investment is expected to rise 84%, totalling over 20% in assets under management (AUM).(1)

How is BNP Paribas Cardif conducting its approach to responsible saving?

Our responsible investment strategy was initiated back in 2008. We have long been convinced that the integration of non-financial criteria in our asset management strategy is a source of resilience for our customers’ savings and can have a positive impact on society.

Committing to offer new investment possibilities

In 2022, in France, 95% of our euro fund investments integrated Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria, which make them more resilient and entail lower long-term risks.

Encouraging responsible investment

In our life insurance contracts, it is possible to select thematic unit-linked funds, that address environmental, social or societal issues from among the energy transition, fighting climate change, safeguarding biodiversity, or the promotion of social or inclusive projects.

Reducing our impact on the climate

We apply sector policies that define investments in sensitive sectors such as palm oil or fossil fuels. To reduce our impact on the climate in our euro fund investments, we have committed to exit investments in the thermal coal industry by 2030 in OECD countries and by 2040 for the rest of the world. In addition, we set objectives to reduce the carbon footprint of these portfolios.

More responsible and certified investment vehicles

At the end of 2022, 40% of our 46 billion euros unit-linked funds did hold an independent external sustainable label(2).