2022 Business Report

... and a committed company and investor

03. Sustainability

... and a committed company and investor

… and a committed company and investor

  • Sustainability
  • Positive Impact
  • Support
  • Sensitisation

We are committed to pursuing a better and more responsible approach at every level of our business. As a pioneering investor in sustainable funds, we remain focused on identifying new opportunities to support initiatives that will benefit the environment, society, and our partners. As a responsible stakeholder, we also have a long track record of engagement with the companies in which we invest, seeking to encourage these businesses to further embed ESG considerations in their strategies.


Obesity: supporting prevention activities and medical research

The scale of the impact of obesity around the world is underestimated. More than five million obese people die prematurely every year worldwide, and by 2030, half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese(1). This condition contributes to lower life expectancy due to aggravated cardiovascular diseases, the most common cause of death worldwide, as well as chronic diabetes, predicted to become the seventh-leading cause of death in the world by the year 2030(2).

These diseases often create a host of complications in the lives of people who suffer from them. As part of our mission to make insurance more accessible, we have decided to contribute to curbing the rise in overweight and obesity by developing a prevention programme for children and teenagers in order to spur change in behaviours for them and their families. This initiative is overseen by a scientific committee of experts. We are now inviting our business partners to join the programme to amplify front-line actions.

BNP Paribas Cardif is supporting front-line prevention initiatives in twelve countries through seven NGOs that meet our criteria in terms of reliability and expertise. Each country runs specific activities tailored to local context and priorities. In Spain for instance, the Gasol Foundation has raised awareness among 2,000 children. In Italy, FARE X BENE ETS is educating children and families in schools about healthy eating, physical activity, and well-being, while in Germany, we have a partnership with Stiftung Kindergesundheit to provide teachers with digital tools to educate children in schools about nutrition topics. In five countries across Latin America, UNICEF* will expand its initiatives thanks to our support. In 2022, more than 500,000 children and families benefited from those prevention actions in the twelve countries.

  1. Our World in data, 2019
  2. Global status report on noncommunicable diseases 2010. Geneva, World Health Organisation, 2011.

* UNICEF does not support any company, brand, product or services.