2022 Business Report

Key Figures


Dedicating an average of 1 billion euros annually to environmental and social investments by 2025

To reconcile business development with strong commitments on society and the environment, we have committed to increasing our responsible investments, setting an ambitious objective of investing an average of 1 billion euros per year between 2019 and 2025 in positive impact investments.

Our commitment to having a positive impact echoes that of our partners clients' whose appetite for SRI is growing steadily: by the end of 2022, 40% of our 46 billion euros unit-linked assets held an independent external sustainability label.

We also joined several alliances such as the Principles for Responsible Investment, the Montreal Carbon Pledge, the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance and Climate Action 100+.


Making financial services more accessible by developing partnerships with start-ups

To provide our partners with cutting-edge innovations and business solutions, we are investing, via our dedicated venture capital funds C.Entrepreneurs and C.Development, in insurtech companies, which all contribute to making insurance more accessible. They indeed develop digital services that are more accessible and affordable to local customers in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Malaysia.

South-East Asia is a major opportunity for insurance growth, with just 5% of the population currently insured (outside Singapore). With the rise of digital-native middle classes, insurtech companies are penetrating the online market, which is predicted to grow by a third by 2025. As part of a win-win relationship, these new insurance players benefit from our expertise and in return, provide local knowledge and technological skills.

Logo: igloo - insurance for all

The Singapore-based insurtech Igloo works across the region and designs innovative insurance products with digital platforms under its mantra ”insurance for all”.

Logo: Lifepal

Lifepal is the largest digital direct-to-customer insurance marketplace and operates exclusively in Indonesia, reaching customers directly through its platform.

Logo: Qoala

Qoala has its own network of agents and is facilitating access to protection products for the Indonesian population. The insurtech distributes retail insurance products to consumers for bikes, cars, homes, and health through its omnichannel platform.